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Reputation Management for Construction Companies

If a reputation crisis hits your construction firm, whether it is an unfavorable news story, poor client review, disgruntled ex-employee, or something else, do you have the tools and processes in place to respond and recover?


Own a commercial or residential construction firm?  Join Silver Tiger Consulting CEO Cori DiDonato for this free webinar.

Having a solid communications platform, and the processes for which to handle communications to mitigate crises from erupting and responding when they do- especially online- is critical for successful construction firms today.

This class review the core set of tools, most of which are freely available construction businesses need as part of their communications platform: updated social media channels, google business pages, industry specific sites, email outreach, and ongoing content delivery.

This core set of tools is vital to establishing a strong base from which to communicate with stakeholders, current & past clients, potential clients, and the public.

 There will be a hands-on interactive portion of the class at the end, where attendees will have the option to claim, create, or update their google business listing and perform a search results audit on their own online presence. Attendees will also learn how to respond to negative reviews and recover their online reputation from a negative review or news story and learn how and why certain items are prominent in search results and how to influence these results. Register for your spot today:

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